Welcome to the Department of Medicine!
The Department of Medicine is dedicated to excellence in patient care, medical education, and research. As one of the largest departmentsof M. L. B. Medical College,Jhansi,we bring together learned teaching faculty and clinicians, committed topatient care,research and quality undergraduate and post graduate teaching whileadvancing the field of internal medicine and its subspecialties.
Key features of our department:
- Comprehensive patient care across all areas of internal medicine
- State-of-the-art 160-bed facility
- Cutting-edge research programs pushing the boundaries of medical knowledge
- Top-ranked residency training programs
- Continuing medical education for practicing physicians
- Commitment to compassionate, patient-centered care
At present our department is headed by Prof. Dr. Kuldeep Chandel M.D. and has about 160 beds distributed in 3 wards, ICU and CCU. There is1 male ward,1 female ward and 1 high dependency ward.
Vision & Mission: –
- To make our department a more Research oriented one.
- To reduce the incidence of communicable and non-communicable diseases in Bundelkhand region with community participation.
- To provide the best medical facilities to the poor and needy patients.
- To Make our institution the most sought-after institution for curricular and medical expertise.
Facilities Provided: –
Outpatient Department (OPD):
General Medicine OPD: Our primary care service for adults, handling a wide range of medical conditions.
Modern consultation rooms for various subspecialties which include –
- Diabetic OPD
- Hypertensive OPD
- Gastroenterology OPD
Inpatient Department (IPD):
- Well-equipped patient rooms
- Intensive Care Unitfor critical care, Dedicated Cardiac care Unit
- Round-the-clock nursing care
Emergency Services:
- 24/7 availability of emergency physicians and nursing staff
- Immediate triage system to assess and prioritize patients
- Minimal wait times for urgent cases
- Specialized teams available for cardiac, stroke, and other time-sensitive emergencies, thrombolysis for stroke and MI patients in emergency only.
- Quick activation protocol to ensure immediate expert intervention
Diagnostic and Procedural Services:
- Upper GI Endoscopy
- 2D Echocardiography (2D-ECHO)
- Holter Monitoring
- Treadmill Test (TMT)
- Electroencephalography (EEG)
- Bedside Ultrasonography: For immediate diagnostic imaging in the ICU at the patient’s bedside
- Bedside X-ray: Mobile X-ray services in the ICU at the patient’s bedside.
Specialized Services:
- Dialysis Unit: State-of-the-art facilities for both hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis
Research & Teaching
The Department of Medicine at is a hub for research and teaching excellence. The department is committed to conducting various studies, both basic and clinical, to advance our understanding of medical sciences and improve patient care.We are dedicated to providing high-quality education to undergraduate (UG) students which includes conducting clinical classes and teaching sessions to equip students with the knowledge and skills necessary to become skilled healthcare professionals.
Every year, the department welcomes 11 new students to its PG program, providing them with a comprehensive and rigorous education in medicine. To support their learning, the department offers seminars, case discussions, and other teaching sessions that foster critical thinking, problem-solving, and effective communication.In addition, the department’s faculty members provide guidance on diagnosis and treatment, helping students develop the skills and expertise needed to make accurate diagnoses and provide high-quality patient care.
Our Department of Medicine offers Tele-ICU services to enhance critical care. This telemedicine platform connects our ICUs with a central command center at SGPGI, Lucknow, staffed by expert intensivists. Through video feeds and real-time monitoring, specialists can remotely assess patients and guide on-site staff 24/7, improving patient outcomes and expanding our reach.
National Emergency Life Support (NELS) Skill Lab
Our Department of Medicine’s NELS Skill Lab provides crucial emergency medical training. It offers comprehensive programs with simulation-based learning environments, using high-fidelity mannequins and simulated emergency room settings to enhance healthcare professionals’ skills in managing medical emergencies.
National Hepatitis Control Program
The Department of Medicine supports the National Hepatitis Control Program by offering comprehensive screening, diagnosis, and treatment for hepatitis B and C. We use advanced diagnostic tools and follow national guidelines for antiviral treatments, contributing to addressing this significant public health challenge.Additionally, we focus on patient education and community outreach to raise awareness about prevention, transmission, and the importance of early detection. Through these efforts, we aim to reduce the burden of viral hepatitis and improve overall public health outcomes.
A. R. T. (Anti-Retroviral Therapy) Center
The A. R. T. Center, operated by the Department of Medicine, is a specialized medical facility dedicated to the comprehensive treatment and management of HIV/AIDS patients. This center provides life-saving antiretroviral therapy to thousands of individuals living with HIV.The HIV treatment center offers a comprehensive range of services, including HIV testing and diagnosis, antiretroviral therapy, and management of opportunistic infections. The center also has an on-site pharmacy providing antiretroviral medications and drugs for managing HIV-related conditions, as well as advanced laboratory facilities for monitoring HIV progression and treatment efficacy.Additionally, the center conducts community outreach programs to improve HIV testing and linkage to care.

Dr. Kuldeep Chandel
M.D., Medicine
Professor & Head
Regn. No. UP 85751

Dr. Nutan Kumar Agarwal
M.D., Medicine
Professor & Dean
Regn. No. 38356

Dr. Rambabu Singh
MD, Dip. Card
Regn. No. UP 49152

Dr. Mohd. Zaki Siddiqui
M.D. Medicine
Associate Professor
Regn. No. UP 046157

Dr. Mandavi Agarwal
M.D. Medicine
Associate Professor
Regn. No. UP 56577

Dr. Rajat Jain
M.D., Medicine
Associate Professor (Contractual)
Regn. No. 4339

Dr. Kshitiz Nath
M.D., Medicine
Associate Professor (Contractual)
Regn. No. UP 61234

Dr. Ajeet Singh
M.D., Medicine
Assistant Professor
Regn. No. 86539

Dr. Anukrity
M.D., Medicine
Assistant Professor (Contractual)
Regn. No. 81148

Dr. Faizan Bux
M.D., Medicine
Assistant Professor (Contractual)
Regn. No. 16341

Dr. Sunit Kumar Verma
M.D., Medicine
Assistant Professor (Contractual)
Regn. No. 72384

Dr. Deepak Bhasney
M.D., Medicine
Assistant Professor (Contractual)
Regn. No. 55020
- Agarwal N, Singh Y, Agrawal N. Hematological evaluation in patients of pancytopenia by bone marrow aspiration Evolution Med Dent Sci2021;10(19):1398- 1402, DOI:10.14260/Jemds/2021/295.
- Correlation of cardiac biomarker level with extent of stemi and post stemi acute complications during hospitalization.Dr.Rambabu,Dr.Rajatjain,Dr.KshitizNath,Dr.Anukrity singh.Volume-10,Issue-04,April2021,print ISSN No.2277-8179,DOI:10.36106/IJSR.
- Prevalence of erectile dysfunction among type II diabetes mellitus patients with special reference to testosterone levels.Dr.Rajat Jain, Dr.Mandavi Agarwal, Dr.Faizan Bux, Dr.Pankaj saunakiya.Volume-10/Issue-04/April-2021/Print ISSN No.2277-8179 DOI:10.36106/IJSR
- A study of spectrum of peritoneal equilibration test in CAPD patients in nephrology unit of MLB Medical College, Jhansi and its clinical importance. Dr.N.SSengar,Dr.RajatJain,Dr.AnshulTiwari,Dr.Lakhan Singh.Volume-10/Issue-03/March2021/Print ISSN No.2277-8179 DOI:10.36106/IJSR.
- Clinical and biochemical profiling of low body weight diabetic mellitus TYPE2 patients with special emphasis on echocardiographic changes. Dr.RajatJain.Dr.MandaviAgarwal,Dr.Bhawna Rai.Volume-10/Issue-04/April-2021/Print ISSN No.2277-8179 DOI:10.36106/IJSR.
- Study of non-alcoholic fatty liver in patients with type 2 diabetes and its correlation with subclinical atherosclerosis, in a hospital based cross-sectional observational study.Dr.ZakiSiddiqui,Dr.Rambabu,Dr.KshitizNath,Dr.Vivekanand. Volume-10/Issue04/April-2021/Print ISSN No.2277-8179 DOI:10.36106/IJSR.
- Clinico-Epidemiological Profile and Prognostic Factors in patient if Intra cerebral Hemorrhage (ICH) in Tertiary Hospital in Bundelkhand Region, Central India,Dr.ArvindKankane,Dr.Rambabusingh,Dr.PKJain,Dr.MishaPandey,Dr.Bhawna Rai. Volume-10/Issue-06/June-2021/Print ISSN No.2277-8179 DOI:10.36106/IJSR.
- Incidence of exudative pericardial fluid, pleural fluid,ascites in CKD/ESRD patients.Dr.(Prof)N.S. Sengar,Dr.AparnaSankhwar,Dr.Madhurmaya,Dr.Mayank Singh. Volume-10/Issue-06/June-2021/Print ISSN No.2277-8179 DOI:10.36106/IJSR.
- Evaluation fo pyuria in bundelkhand region. Dr. (Prof)N.S. Sengar,Dr.Azam Mohamad Mustafa,Dr.Mayank Kumar Singh. Volume-10/Issue-04/April-2021/Print ISSN No.2277- 8179 DOI:10.36106/IJSR.
- Lipid profile abnormalities in ckd,Dr.Zakisiddiqui,Dr.Rambabu,Dr.Vivekkumarsachan,Dr.PKjain.Indian journal of applied research paper. Volume-11/Issue-03/march-2021/print-issnno-2249-555x/DOI:10.36106/ijar.
- Effect of IV iron sucrose versus IV carboxymyaltose in patients with heart failure.Dr.Rambabusingh.Dr.RajatJain,Dr.Shreya Srivastava. European journal of molecular & clinical medicineISSN:2515-8260, Volume-09, Issue-02, 2022.
- Prevalence of cardiovascular autonomic neuropathy in type-2 diabetes mellitus and role of corrected QT interval for itsdiagnosis.Dr.Rambabusingh,Dr.Arvindkankane,Dr.Basavarajshirol.European journal of molecular & clinical medicineISSN2515-8260, VOLUME09, Issue 01, 2022.
- The etiological spectrum of acute febrile encephalopathy in adult patients.Dr. ZakiSiddiqui,Dr.ArvindKankane,Dr.UdayPratapyadav.Journal of dental and medical sciences, ISSN:2279-0853, P-ISSN:2279-0861.Volume21, Issue49april2022.
- Use of IV in iron deficiency anemia in CKD with raised serum ferritin.Dr. NSSengar,Dr.Rambabusingh,Dr.PreetiGupta,Dr.PatelJivabhai Girish kumar,Dr.Hardeepjogi,Dr.NitinGupta.European Journal of Molecular&ClinicalMedicine.ISSN 2515-8260, Volume 09,Issue 02,2022.
- Impact of conducting hand hygiene audit in COVID-19 carelocations of India—A large scale national multicentric study –HHAC study.Dr.MandaviAgarwal,Dr.Manisha Sahu. Indian Journal of Medical Microbiology.
- Feasibility and safety of laparoscopic nephrectomy in emphysematous pyelonephritic kidneys.Raghuveer Machiraju1, Devashish Kaushal2, Jamal Rizvi3, Gopal R Tak4, Mandavi Agarwal.E-ISSN: 2091-0576P-ISSN:2467-9100Asian Journal of Medical Sciences | Oct 2022 | Vol 13 | Issue 10.
- Laparoscopic deroofing of post-renal transplant lymphoceles – A single-center observational study.Raghuveer Machiraju1, Devashish Kaushal2, Mandavi Agarwal3, Jamal Rizvi4 E-ISSN: 2091-0576P-ISSN: 2467-9100 Asian Journal of Medical Sciences | Oct 2022 | Vol 13 | Issue 10.
- A comparative study of cure and relapse in diabetic and non-diabetic pulmonary TB patients. Dr. (prof) Ram Babu Singh 1, Dr. (prof) Madhurmay 2, Dr. Rachit Jain 3 ISSN: 2319-7064, SJIF(2022): 7.942 International Journal Of Science and Research (IJSR)
Clinical and etiological profile of acute Ischemic stroke in young patients in bundelkhand region. Dr. Arvind Kankane 1, Dr. Patil Manish Ramesh