Our Vision
Our vision is to Integrate recent updates into medical curriculum teaching, while developing laboratories for student teaching, patient care, and research facilities.
Our Mission
The Dentistry Department at MLB Medical College Jhansi, strives for sustainable dental education, outstanding patient care, and community service. It aims for high competency and ethical standards to effectively serve society with quality and excellence.
Facilities Provided
· Paediatric Dentistry(Preventive/Interceptive/Corrective Dentistry).
· Periodontal Disease treatment(Oral prophylaxis and gum care treatment)
· Restorative treatment(GIC Restoration, Composite restoration) ,Restoration of decayed teeth both deciduous and permanent
· Pulp Therapy (DPC,IPC, Root canal treatment of teeth (RCT))
· Exodontia
· Disimpaction
· Apicoectomy
· Minor Surgical Procedures

Dr.Khushtar Haider
Assistant Professor & Head
M.D.S, B.D.S,Registration no-9597
Department of Dentistry

Dr.Rajat Misurya
Professor (Contractual)
M.D.S, B.D.S,Registration no A-5463
Department of Dentistry

Dr.Priyanka Puri
Associate Professor (Contractual)
M.D.S, B.D.S,Registration no A-8418
Department of Dentistry
Dr.Khushtar Haider
Professional Summary
Dr. Khushtar Haider has completed his M.D.S. in Paediatric Dentistry (2012-2015) and has served as Assistant Professor and Head of the Department of Dentistry at Rani Durgawati Government Medical College, Banda. He is currently an Assistant Professor and Head of the Department of Dentistry at M.L.B Medical College, Jhansi.
Publications and Conferences
Dr. Haider has authored numerous publications in various international and national journals and has attended multiple state, national, and international conferences. He has also presented on various national and international platforms.
Areas of Interest
1. Sedative Dentistry
2. Conservative Pulp Therapy
3. Maxillofacial Pathologies
4. Paediatric Dental Trauma
5. Preventive Dentistry
6. Interceptive Orthodontics
Advanced Training
- Nitrous Oxide Sedative Dentistry
2. Basic Course of Implantology (Osstem, Adin)
3. Basic Life Support (BLS) by American Heart Association
4. Basic Course of Biomedical Research (BCBR)
Affiliations with Societies/Associations
- International Association of Paediatric Dentistry
2. Indian Society of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry (ISPPD)
- Mittal N, Bhatia HP, Haider K. Methods of Intracanal Reinforcement in Primary Anterior Teeth— Assessing the Outcomes through a Systematic Literature Review. Int J Clin Pediatr Dent 2015;8(1):48-54.
- Mittal N, Srivastava B, Haider K (2015) Dexmedetomidine: A Preliminary Exploration of its Safety and Efficacy in Pediatric Dental Setting. J Anesth Clin Res 6: 551. doi:10.4172/2155-6148.1000551.
- Naqvi A, Gopalakrishnan D, Bhasin MT, Sharma N, Haider K, Martande S. Comparative Evaluation of Bioactive Glass Putty and Platelet Rich Fibrin in the Treatment of Human Periodontal Intrabony Defects: A Randomized Control Trial. J Clin Diagn Res. 2017 Jul;11(7):ZC09-ZC13. doi: 10.7860/JCDR/2017/23831.10149. Epub 2017 Jul 1. PMID: 28893033; PMCID: PMC5583776.Pubmed central till september 2017 published on 1 july 2017 Currently DOAJ.
- Haider Khushtar,Srivastav Binita Exposure To Second-hand Smoking And Dental Caries In Children Heal Talk // March-April 2015 // Vol 07 // Issue 04
- Haider K, Srivastav B Aesthetic treatment approach for enamel Enamel hypoplasia – A case report HTAJOCD2019:11(4)49-50 HEALTALK
- Haider K et al; Assessment of oral hygiene status and gingival diseases among school going children International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, Vol. 24, Issue 08, 2020 ISSN SCOPUS INDEXED
- Sharma et al;Assessment Of The Association Between Oral Health And Hygiene Practices And Oral Cancer- A Hospital–Based Case–Control Study. European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine, 2020; 7(8): 1206-1211. DOAJ INDEXED
- Khushtar Haider, Prateek Shakti; Role of Myofunctional Appliances on Children with Anterior Open Bite and Tongue Thrusting- An Original Research , Annals of R.S.C.B., ISSN:1583-6258, Vol. 25, Issue 4, 2021, Pages. 16122 – 16127 Received 05 M arch 2021; Accepted 01 April 2021. Scopus indexed
- Haider K, Mittal N, Srivastav B; Comparative evaluation of dexmedetomidine alone or in combination with low dose ketamine in managing anxious and uncooperative pediatric patients ;International journal of paediatric dentistry Pubmed indexed { Impact factor 3.5}
- Laxman Singh Kaira, Khushtar Haider, & Akbar Naqvi. (2021). A retrospective cross sectional study conducted in Veer Chandra Singh Garwali Government Medical Science And Research Institute, Srinagar to assess the prevalence of tobacco usage and awareness about the harmful effects of tobacco among the sample populat. International Journal of Health and Clinical Research, 4(13), 361–363.
- Shakti P, Ani GS, Peter E, Haider K, Kumar J. Maxillary Incisor Intrusion Using Two Conventional Intrusion Arches and Mini Implants: A Prospective Study. J Contemp Dent Pract. 2021 Aug 1;22(8):907-913. PMID: 34753843. Pubmed indexed
- Mishra R, Haider K, Rizwan R, Monga S, Pritam A, Singh P. Assessment of effect of menopause on saliva and oral health status. J Pharm Bioall Sci [serial online] 2021 [cited 2022 Jan 7];13, Suppl S2:1535-7.
- Farina Zaidi, Abhishek Sharma, Khushter Haider, Nidhi Sharma. Lipid Profile and Correlation with Blood Pressure among People of Bundelkhand, Madhya Pradesh. Int. J. Heal. Clin. Res. [Internet]. 2021Dec.16 [cited 2022Jan.7];4(22):92-8.
- Sharma Nidhi, Bansal Himanshi, Haider Khushter, Sharma Abhishek. Pre-Sensitization Assessment of Knowledge Regarding Clinical Sample Collection, Storage and Transportation among Health Care Workers at a Tertiary Care Hospital in Madhya Pradesh. Int. J. Heal. Clin. Res. [Internet]. 2022Jan.1 [cited 2022Jan.7];4(24):191-4.
- Sharma A, Naorem N, Srivastava B, et al. Comparative Evaluation of Antifungal Efficacy of 3% Sodium Hypochlorite, 2% Chlorhexidine Gluconate, Ozonated Water, Alum Water, and Normal Saline Solutions against Endodontopathogenic Microorganism, Candida Albicans: A Microbiological In Vitro Study. Int J Clin Pediatr Dent 2024;17(S-1):S17–S24.
- Bhatia, M., Shakti, P., Kumar, V., & Haider, K. (2022). Pandemic in between waves: Epidemiological & clinical findings from a single COVID-19 screening centre of Madhya Pradesh, India. International Journal of Health Sciences, 6(S2), 5124–5133.
- Dr.Khushtar Haider.Comparative evaluation of gingival depigmentation by scalpe,electrocautery and diode laser.Neuroquantology August 2022, Volume 20, Page 5245-5258.
- Naqvi A, Qazi J, Haider K.Evaluation of Correlation Between Periodontitis,Glaucoma and Chronic Tonsillitis.Cureus (): e.doi:10.7759/cureus.
- Khan et al. Post-endodontic pain following root canal treatment in permanent teeth among Indian paediatric patients.Bioinformation 20(5): 571-574 (2024).
Dr.Rajat Misurya
Professional Summary: Dr.Rajat Misurya is a distinguished Professor in the Department of Dentistry at MLB Medical College,Jhansi, with a specialization in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery.
- N kaur, Rajat Misurya , R Narula , M Kumar j. Comparison of the clinical efficacy of methylprednisolone with ibuprofen and ibuprofen alone on the postoperative sequele of surgical removal of impacted tird molar. Indian Jourrnal of pain: 2014: Vol 28: Issue 2::Pg 105-110.
- Archana.HLanje, A. Bagdi, Rajat. Misurya ,S.Dev Maxillofacial skeletal injuries at AVBRH hospital in Wardha India – A retrospective study. JDMIMS: Vol 2 :Nov 2: Dec 2006: Pg 61-63.
- Archana H. Lanje , Rajat Misurya , Minal Chaudhary, Madhuri Gawande , Alka Hande, Chandresh Shukla Odontogenic Tumor in India: A Review International Journal of Preventive and Clinical Dental Research July-September 2017;4(3):235-237 .
- Misurya rajat , Sandeep shrama,nikitagupta An in vitro evaluation of efficacy of ViaSpan,aloevera,Gatoradesolution,and propolis storage media for maintaining the periodontal ligament cell viability.Annals of African Medicine vol 21 issue 1 jan -march 2022.
- Sargaiyan, V., Arya, J., Jain, S., Misurya, R., Swarnkar, S. K., &Dhakray, V. (2022). A web-based cross-sectional survey to assess mental health of medical professionals during COVID-19 outbreak. International Journal of Health Sciences, 6(S2), 1745–1751.
- Archana.HLanje, A. Bagdi, Rajat. Misurya ,S.Dev. Hemifacial atrophy. Journal of Datta Meghe Institute of Medical Sciences: Vol 2 :Nov 2: Dec 2006: Pg 99-102.
- S.Dev, Rajat. Misurya A. Bagdi, R Borle. Cleft lip and cleft palate children with congenitally missing second premolars – A retrospective study. Journal of DMIMS: Vol3 :No 1: Dec 2008: Pg 18-23.
- M.Tijare, V Hazare, Archana H Lanje , S. Khan, Rajat Misurya. SEM and histopathological study of atrophic and hypertrophic lingual lingual papillae of tongue and their mycological correlation. Indian J Stomatol: 2014.5 (4)122-126.
- Archana Lanje , Rajat Misurya, Pallav M Patni, Sachin Dev Sachdeva , Nitin Bhola, Swati Balsaraf. Effect on bonding of composites using a total etch or self etch adhesive to enamel after bleaching. IDA Ludhiana’s Journal – leDentistry 2017 Vol.1 issue (2) : Pg 17-20 .
- Vinod Sargaiyan, Rajat Misurya, Lanje A. Relationship between ABO blood group and Rh factor with oral potentially malignant disorder. International journal of Life sciences, biotechnology and pharma research. vol 9,no2,dec2020.
- Vinod Sargaiyan, Vivek H Lanje,Misurya R. Measuring the level of oral health literacy in different populations and its correlation with the prevention and management of oral pathologies. Journal of Cardiovascular Disease Research Vol 11, Issue 11, 2020.
- Rajat. Misurya*, A.H Lanje, S.Dev, RMBorle. (Abs)Role of ultrasonography in diagnosis and treatment planning of fascial space infections of head and neck region. International journal of Oral and Maxillofacial surgery: Vol 36 : No 11: Nov 2007:Pg 1040-1041.
- Archana H. Lanje , Rajat Misurya, Dilip Gadewar, M Tijare, S Chaoji, N Bhola. Human Papilloma Virus and Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma – An update. Journal of Advanced Medical and Dental Sciences Research (Vol. 5) Issue 7: July 2017 Pg 26-31
- Punkitsudan, rajat misurya, kukreja Maneet. A Comparative evaluation of apical leakage using three root canal sealants. The journal of contemptory dental practice Vol S19, issue 8 2018.
Dr.Priyanka Puri
Professional Summary: Dr. Priyanka Puri is an Associate Professor(cont.) in the Department of Dentistry at MLB Medical College,Jhansi,UP. She holds both a B.D.S and M.D.S degree in Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics.
- Puri P , Mishra A, Malik N .Comparative evaluation between two NiTi rotary files systems using CBCT. IJOHMR 2016 Vol-2, Issue 5.
- Dewan R, Puri P. Comparative evaluation of the effectiveness and time taken in the removal of root canal filling material using 3 different techniques- An In- Vitro analysis. SSRG-IJMS Vol 6, Issue 11- Nov 2019.
- Puri P, Mishra A. Comparative evaluation between two NiTi rotary Files using CBCT. International Healthcare Research Journal 2022; 6(2).
- Mishra A, Puri P . Trigeminal neuralgia overview, advances in diagnosis & changing trends in its management. IJDSIR Vol-6, Issue-2.
- Mishra A, Puri P. Management of ankyglossia by electrocautery assisted lingual frenectomy : A case report. IJDSIR Vol-6, Issue – 2.
- Puri P, Mishra A. Direct V/S Indirect Restorations- A comparative review. IJDSIR Vol-6 Issue-5.
- Mishra R, Bagga D, Puri P, Soni K, Singh R, Jain S. Dental anomalies and non-metric morphological traits as forensic tool for personal identification : a systemic review . Latin american journal of pharmacy 42(10): 332-338 (2023).
S.No. | Name | Designation | Qualification |
1 | Dr.Khustar Haider | Assistant Professor & Head | M.D.S, B.D.S |
2 | Dr.Rajat Misurya | Professor(Contractual) | M.D.S, B.D.S |
3 | Dr.Priyanka Puri | Associate Prof (Contractual) | M.D.S, B.D.S |
Nursing Staff
S.No. | Name | Designation |
1 | Priyanka Upadhaya | Nurse |
2 | Alka Lal | Nurse |
3 | Anjali Sharma | Nurse |
S.No. | Name | Designation |
1 | Dr.Manorma | Demonstrator |
2 | Dr.Sradhya Roy | NPJR |
Clerk/Computer Operator
S.No. | Name | Designation |
1 | Naveen Srivas | Clerk/ Computer Operator |
S.No. | Name | Designation |
1 | Satish | Nurse |
2 | Ravi | Nurse |
3 | Manoj | Nurse |
4 | Dolly Pamar | |
5 | Lokendra Kumar |
Contact Us | Heading | Details |
1 | Name of the Department | Dentistry |
2 | Department Email | |